“We intend to organise regular running activities
following this throughout 2019. In
particular, we will conduct a Marathon in April in which members of running
groups from different parts of the country will participate. To encourage the runners from The Nilgiris,
we will honour the first finisher from the district”, she announced.
“I have been selected to participate in the Bank of
America run to be held in Chicago in October 2019. Subsequently, I will also participate in Comrades
run Durban, South Africa”, said Yasmin, an ultra marathon runner, who
participates in about six events a year.
A MBA graduate, she is Director of India Operations of
US-headquartered IT company, Information Evolution India P Ltd., with production
units in Coonoor and Coimbatore.
USHERING IN ‘2019’ WITH ’20.19’ KM RUN
The Nomadic Nilgirians Running Club has invited
fitness enthusiasts to participate in the ’20.19 km’ run to usher in ‘2019’ on
January 1, 2019.
“It is open to all and those willing to participate
can assemble at Sim’s Park, Coonoor, before flagging off the run at 6 am”, the
Club’s founder G Yasmin told me.

“We will conduct a schematic training camp in Coonoor
in April and May when a certified coach will train students to prepare for
major running contests”, she disclosed.
“From January, we will organise group running once a
week. There will also be periodical
‘Plogging run’ when the runners will pick up the litters in the routes to
create a cleaner Coonoor”, she added.
“We encourage women runners, especially mothers, to
help them stay fit. At our ‘Run
Because You Can’ event organised for women, 60 women, aged 14 to 64, ran the
prescribed 2-kilometres”, said Yasmin (34), mother of two children, who herself
took to running only at her 31 years of age.

The Nomadic Nilgirians Running Club presently has 25
runner members, aged 13 to 65, of whom nine are women. The Club wants to encourage allied
activities like walking, trekking and cycling.
Yasmin has assured to provide necessary help and
guidance to the participants on medical, fitness and safety fronts considering
the requirements of all these activities.
(response can also be sent to: pssundar.coonoor@gmail.com)